For Object Type, select the OpenPages object type that you would like this model to be applied to from the options in the dropdown list.
Select "Manual" or "Automatic" based on business requirements.
In Add the input fields of your model and map them to fields in OpenPages, select the fields that you would like to use as the input for the model to process. In our example, we will be using Description field as the input, so we select "Description" from the OpenPages fields and type in "Description" for the Model input fields.
Select checkbox Required for at least one field.
The final setup should look similar to the following. Then, click Next.
Input a Description for the model to help users understand what the model inputs and outputs. You could also modify the Style.
The final setup would looks similar like screenshot below. Click "Save" to complete model setup. In the Custom Machine Learning Models table, you should see status "V Complete".
To assign model to views, navigate to the Administration menu, then go to Solution Configuration, and click on Views.
Enable Display Debug Info by navigating to the Administration menu, then the Other tab, then click on Display Debug Info. In the screenshot below, you can see blue text under "New Risk" which indicates that you are in Debug Info View. Click on the that blue text and it will link you to the exact view.
This is an example of what a view configuration page looks like.
Click on the blue text "Description" and a right-hand-side panel will show up. Select the specific model that you would like to apply to this field. Click Done, then click Publish.